The access and use of this website and the services provided by any registered or non-registered visitor is governed by these terms.

Any visitor, customer and/or trader/consumer of our website (hereinafter referred to as visitor or customer or user) prior to accessing, browsing and using this website in any way (including but not limited to: browsing, customer registration, transaction, search, entry, registration, sending, storage of information), clearly, expressly and unconditionally declares that he/she fully accepts the terms of use and operation of the website (hereinafter referred to as the terms) as well as any other terms that meet the requirements of the law and may be found within this website, in addition to this text, indicatively in the following places: payment methods, personal data, withdrawal, etc.

The present terms, with the addition of the terms found in the above-mentioned places, constitute the terms of transactions with our company’s website.The terms of transactions form an integral part of the remotely attached service contracts through our company’s website.

What applies to the terms, also applies to any other terms that meet the requirements of the law and may, be found within this website, in addition to this text.

Your unconditional acceptance of the aforementioned terms constitutes a condition of access to and use of this website. Acceptance of the terms is implicit if you use the website.

The terms contained on this website, which have been formulated in advance for future contracts (general terms of transactions), are binding on the consumer, insofar as they meet the requirements of the law, i.e. their existence was indicated by our company’s website and the consumer was given the opportunity to take actual knowledge of their content.

The customer’s registration on this website constitutes automatic, unconditional acceptance of the terms of use and operation of the website, and the transaction with our company’s website constitutes automatic, unconditional acceptance of the terms of transactions in general.

Please read carefully the following terms and conditions, as well as the other aforementioned terms before you take any action, interaction, access, transaction and use of this website and comply with them.

Chic & Chic, reserves the right to freely modify unilaterally and without notice the terms of use and operation of this website and in general, the terms of transactions within the framework of the law.

The mere posting on this website is sufficient for any new term or modification or cancellation of an existing term to enter into force, without prejudice to the transactions already confirmed by Chic & Chic.

Visitors/users/customers must, periodically check if there have been any modifications to these terms and conditions.

Only the posting of terms on this website and any other part of the website, fulfils the requirements of informing customers of any changes to the terms.

The use of this website and the services provided on it presupposes and confirms the acceptance by the customer of the pre-existing terms, as they apply, with the above-mentioned indicative modifications, interventions and removals by the Merchant.

Any invalidity of some of the terms (use – operation of the website and transactions), does not result in the invalidity of the rest.

In case you disagree with the content of the terms (use – operation of the website and transactions) you are invited to refrain from any action, interaction, access, transaction and use of this website.

Chic & Chic reserves the right to modify, suspend, interrupt the operation of this website or the services provided on it, for maintenance, improvement, etc., at any time and without notice, without prejudice to the rights that customers and third parties derive from the law or from a contract with the Company.

The use of the services of the website and the valid conclusion of a contract with Chic & Chic require the full legal capacity of the persons contracting.

Therefore, prospective consumers of our services are validly contracting with the company if they are adults, i.e. they have reached the eighteenth year of age.

Consumers refrain from acts of defamation of the site, which have the sole purpose of damaging its commercial reputation.

The users of this website accepting the terms are obliged, when concluding any form of contract with Chic&Chic, to provide accurately and accurately their complete and true data, which are requested for the successful conclusion of a valid contract. The contract with the website can be concluded in Greek and English.

All terms (of use and operation of the website and transactions) are essential.

Violation in any way, the terms, by the visitor / customer draws the sanctions of the applicable legislation and the obligation of the customer to remedy any positive and consequential damage to the company or third party from the illegal in these terms of the customer’s behavior.

In case of violation of these terms, the company may prohibit the client from accessing its website and the services it offers, delete the client’s account and the information that the client has communicated on this website and exercise all the rights granted by law.

The company’s failure to exercise its rights under these terms and conditions or its rights under the law does not imply a waiver of these rights.

The posting by Chic & Chic of the terms and conditions (use – operation of the website and transactions) and their content may not give rise to any liability of the company beyond that provided by law.

In addition to the liability and obligations of customers / users of this website, described in all the terms of use, operation, payment, etc., customers have the following obligations:

Customers are obliged to act within the framework of the law of the Greek state including the generally accepted rules of International Law, as well as the International Conventions, which, since their ratification by law and their entry into force in accordance with the terms of each, are an integral part of domestic Greek law and prevail over any other contrary provision of law (Art. 281)


Customers/visitors are obliged not to use this website, the e-mail of the website, the services offered by the website, the forms for data registration and customer registration, the chat rooms and forums or any other way of expression through this website or Chic&Chic’s accounts on social media, such as facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube etc. for the posting, publication, transmission of information, data and content in general, in any form, that is illegal, unfair, abusive, defamatory and/or false, threatening, deceptive, fraudulent, extortionate, abusive, abusive, provocative, offensive, obscene, vulgar, profane, pornographic, racist.

The communicated content is also prohibited to encourage the commission of a felony or misdemeanor (Article 186 of the Civil Code), to constitute itself or its communication through this website, a criminal act, to express discrimination, to violate any kind of confidentiality, to violate constitutionally guaranteed rights and to be contrary to the laws in general.

Customers / visitors, moreover, are prohibited from communicating in the above-mentioned way advertisements of any form and content and competitions, personal data, sensitive or not, of third parties, confidential information about the company or its partners, “spam messages”, or other malware, works and data protected by the law of Intellectual and Industrial Property.

It is further recommended that users of the website maintain an acceptable and moderate attitude when interacting and communicating electronically with other users on this website, with respect to others and to the website administrators, and not to adopt behaviours that are contrary to the Code of Ethical Conduct on the Internet (Netiquette). Compliance with the above rules contributes to the proper functioning of the Internet.

Limited licence

Chic & Chic, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein and all applicable laws and regulations, grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, personal, limited right to access, use and display this website and its content elements.

This license is not a transfer of title to the website and its elements and is subject to the following restrictions: (1) you must retain on all copies of the website and its elements all copyright and other proprietary rights notices; and (2) you may not, modify the website and its elements in any way or reproduce or publicly display, or distribute or otherwise use the website and its elements for any public or commercial purpose

Intellectual Property Rights and Trademark

All website design, text, graphics, selection and arrangements thereof, are the property of Chic&Chic and are Copyright © Chic&Chic. All rights reserved. Any text or images bearing the symbols TM, SM or © are trademarks or registered trademarks and are used herein by permission of their respective owners.

Limitation of Liability

The Chic&Chic website, its employees, or other representatives shall not be liable, under any circumstances, for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special damages or costs or penalties, including, but not limited to, lost profits, business interruption, loss of information or data, or loss of patronage, loss or damage to property, and any third party claims arising out of or in connection with the use, copying, or presentation of this website or its contents or any other linked website, whether or not ccshop. gr was informed, knew or should have known of this possibility.

For any question, necessary clarification and any issue related to the operation and use of the website and the terms (use & operation of the website and transactions) as well as for any information about the services provided and any other issue, you may contact the telephone and e-mail address of the website.

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